आप Nifty और Brent Crude के भावो का समय के संदर्भ में बिचार करे ।
01.01.99 -890.8
अब आप Brent Crude के भाव देखकर बिचार करे ।
01.01.99 -890.8
अब आप Brent Crude के भाव देखकर बिचार करे ।
11.01.18-69.15 (लिखते समय)
11.01.18-69.15 (लिखते समय)
अब 04.01.2008 को Nifty 6274.29 और 6 माह बाद BrentCrude 139.83 के भाव ।इसके बाद 20.11.2008 को Nifty 2553.14 ।
05.11.2010 को Nifty 6307.25
Brent Crude 01.04.11-125.89 और 30 .12 .11 को Nifty 4624.29
Brent Crude 01.04.11-125.89 और 30 .12 .11 को Nifty 4624.29
05.03.15-8937.75; Brent Crude 01.01.16-34.74
अब Nifty 09.01.2018 को Nifty 10659.15 और 11.01.18-69.15
अब Nifty 09.01.2018 को Nifty 10659.15 और 11.01.18-69.15
मेरे ज्योतिषीय सलाह के अनुसार 10660 के ऊपर अपनी पूंजी के 10-15%Short 3%के S.L.पर करे और Brent Crude के 89 के लिए खरीदारी करने चाहिए ।
शेयर बाजार अथवा किसी भी रोजगार का मुख्य उद्देश्य लाभ कमाना है ।लालच और भय शेयरबाजार के मुख्य कारक हैं ।मेरे ज्योतिषीय अनुभव के अनुसार Nifty को 10300 से10600 के मध्य पहुचने की सम्भावना है ।अभी भी Nifty के बढऩे के ज्योतिषीय कारण एवं समय बाकी हैं ।Nifty 9000 से 7000 पहुंचा था ;तब अधिकांश लोग बिकवाली की सलाह दे रहे थे और अब 9700 के करीब है तो खरीदारी की भी सलाह दे रहे है । Nifty 10300-10600 के बाद नीचे किस स्तर तक पहुंचेगा ? कुछ भी नहीं कहते हैं ।अपने ज्योतिषीय सलाह में केवल लाभांश लेने की बात कही है । इन्होंने sort नहीं किया तो sort covering भी नहीं कर सकते हैं ।इनको नयी खरीदारी की भी सलाह नहीं दी है ।
आप अब खरीदारी करते लाभ के लिए अवश्य ही सोचे ।मेरे विचार में Operators,Experts,Astrologers&Othersअपने अपने रोजगार का सबसे पहले ध्यान रखते हैं ।
यदि आप Nifty के9700-10300-10600 के स्तर पर खरीदारी करते हैं तो लाभ के लिए भी Niftyके स्तर का भी ध्यान अवश्य ही रखें । यदि आप के अनुमान के उल्टा Nifty 8000 के नीचे के स्तर पर आ पहुँचे तो खरीदारी कर सके ।
मेरा मानना है कि शेयर बाजार में काम करते समय अपने capitals, ManagementsऔरForecastings का ध्यान रखना चाहिए । सही समय पर निर्णय ही सफलता दिलाता है । धन्यवाद।
Along with OI if u get 2 times avg Volume& candle body close 80%& up you will get clear cut jump in price next day or in 2-3 days
How to find Multibagger stock:-
Every individual has different ways of identifying multibagger stock ideas. Here are some ways on how to find a multibagger stock.
Every individual has different ways of identifying multibagger stock ideas. Here are some ways on how to find a multibagger stock.
1) Begin with studying the industry potential
Renowned investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala realized the potential of Titan at a very early stage and made huge investment in the company.
He understood that the consumption story that the sector was catering to would play out because of the huge population leaving an enormous potential for the company. Ditto for a company like Hero Motors which has been an excellent multibagger stock idea. Many analysts knew that Hero would do well because of the huge potential for motorcycles in rural India. They knew there existed a huge demand because cars were expensive for many and petrol only added to the burden.
One should begin identifying the potential at an early stage. If you are planning to invest in Hero Motor Corp now, you may have missed the bus, because the share price has run-up sharply and business activity may have peaked. No point in identifying a stock after the potential has been achieved.
2) Look at equity levels
Companies with a huge equity may not be the best multibagger stock idea. In fact, companies with a small equity tend to be multi-baggers because their return on equity is high and EPS gets boosted with a slight increase in profits. Classic examples are companies with a low equity base like MRF, Force Motors, Kaveri Seed etc.
3) Study the debt levels
Companies that have huge debt will hardly make it to this category. The mantra is either they should be debt free companies or at least have a negligible amount of debt to be a great stock idea.
4) Look for future expansion plans
Companies like Sun Pharma and Lupin have become multibaggers in the last few years because they have been able to keep launching new products and grow their market share. Look for companies with a solid expansion or product pipeline and are willing to alter their portfolio to meet the situation.
Take the example of Kaveri Seed. The company which gets bulk of its revenues from cotton seed has realized that cotton acreage is falling. It has quickly diversified into paddy and other seeds.
5) Study the quarterly performance
Look for growth in the net profits of the company every quarter. See if the net profits are being boosted by other income like sale of an asset, currency fluctuation or any other one time income. If the net profits are growing and the company continues to command a low valuation, the share could be ripe for picking. Also, study the dividend track record to see if they have been consistent. If it is possible to meet the management, then you can seek an appointment. In case there is a clarification you can attend the annual general body meeting and seek a clarification.
Note: copied from www.goodreturns.in
All this Weird News is coming as Predicted by me ------As 2018 is approaching and Mars exact aspect on Ketu also becoming close the world seems to be at the boiling point of War . I have already Predicted that Aspect of Mars in Ketu will take place on the Rashi and the Navamsha on the 1st Jan. 2018 at 04-50 hrs IST and exact aspect of Mars on Ketu on the 3rd Jan. 2018. The Planetary positions are Venomous there after as follows
1. Rahu Changes its state of Motion from 3-4th Jan. 2018 to 11th Jan. 2018
2. Mercury in Fallen state in Scorpio changes sign to Sagitarius on the 6th Jan. 2018 at 19.50 hrs. IST and will be in Gandantha from 4th Jan. 2018 to 8th Jan. 2018
3.Venus Goes in deep Combustion on the 3rd Jan. 2018 till 5th Jan. 2018 and is Debilitated in Navamsha till 6th Jan. 2018
4.Jupiter the divine Planet entering in Planetary war with Mars the Ammunition Dump on the 4th-5th Jan. 2018 till 11th Jan. 2018
5. Mars and Jupiter in Libra since 30th Nov. 2017 till 17th Jan. 2018
6.Venus and Jupiter Exchange from 20th Dec. 2017 to 13th Jan. 2018. .
7. Sun the Royal Planet with Saturn Forming a Bhandan yoga from the 16th Dec. 2017 to 15th Jan. 2018. Unfortunately it Joins Ketu on this Date in Capricorn and has aspect of Mars for 2 days .
8. Eclipses in Feb. 2018 could further escalate the issues
These Planetary Positions are not good for Nations with Taurus Ascendant , since Mars with 8th Lord Jupiter for Taurus Ascendant could be killing . For Scorpio Ascendant , Mercury Fallen as the 8th Lord in the Ascendant and then in Gandantha , indicates that the Brawl between such nations may escalate in the First week of Jan. 2018 since the Red Planet and the North Node will be very strong to give Adverse results. The Following are most important in the Present Scenario
1.Escalation of Brawl in the Korean Peninsula
2. This Transit is Bad for India as well and the Brawl with Neighbouring Countries may escalate
3. Political Tug of War
4. Natural and Unnatural disasters
5.Volatility in the Financial Markets of the World. Rahu has the Capacity to turn the Tables upside down and vice-versa and hence the Stock Markets will be influenced accordingly
6. Scams and Things may be exposed suddenly
7. Saturn cycle of 59-60 years is also getting completed from the Year 1958 Nov. and is Repeating its behaviour as it did 59 years Back. Coup, brawl between Nations, Trade wars,
8.ISIS will be active in 2018
Read what is happening in Iran Mass Rally.
Read this Article https://www.nytimes.com/…/middl…/iran-protests-rouhani.html…
Now Read My Articles
2. https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/roman-god-saturn-red-planet…/
ASTROLOGY IS MOST AMAZING and is warning time and again to the World that if the Brawl bwtween the Nations does not end it will take an ugly shape in 2018-2019
All this Weird News is coming as Predicted by me ------As 2018 is approaching and Mars exact aspect on Ketu also becoming close the world seems to be at the boiling point of War . I have already Predicted that Aspect of Mars in Ketu will take place on the Rashi and the Navamsha on the 1st Jan. 2018 at 04-50 hrs IST and exact aspect of Mars on Ketu on the 3rd Jan. 2018. The Planetary positions are Venomous there after as follows
1. Rahu Changes its state of Motion from 3-4th Jan. 2018 to 11th Jan. 2018
2. Mercury in Fallen state in Scorpio changes sign to Sagitarius on the 6th Jan. 2018 at 19.50 hrs. IST and will be in Gandantha from 4th Jan. 2018 to 8th Jan. 2018
3.Venus Goes in deep Combustion on the 3rd Jan. 2018 till 5th Jan. 2018 and is Debilitated in Navamsha till 6th Jan. 2018
4.Jupiter the divine Planet entering in Planetary war with Mars the Ammunition Dump on the 4th-5th Jan. 2018 till 11th Jan. 2018
5. Mars and Jupiter in Libra since 30th Nov. 2017 till 17th Jan. 2018
6.Venus and Jupiter Exchange from 20th Dec. 2017 to 13th Jan. 2018. .
7. Sun the Royal Planet with Saturn Forming a Bhandan yoga from the 16th Dec. 2017 to 15th Jan. 2018. Unfortunately it Joins Ketu on this Date in Capricorn and has aspect of Mars for 2 days .
8. Eclipses in Feb. 2018 could further escalate the issues
These Planetary Positions are not good for Nations with Taurus Ascendant , since Mars with 8th Lord Jupiter for Taurus Ascendant could be killing . For Scorpio Ascendant , Mercury Fallen as the 8th Lord in the Ascendant and then in Gandantha , indicates that the Brawl between such nations may escalate in the First week of Jan. 2018 since the Red Planet and the North Node will be very strong to give Adverse results. The Following are most important in the Present Scenario
1.Escalation of Brawl in the Korean Peninsula
2. This Transit is Bad for India as well and the Brawl with Neighbouring Countries may escalate
3. Political Tug of War
4. Natural and Unnatural disasters
5.Volatility in the Financial Markets of the World. Rahu has the Capacity to turn the Tables upside down and vice-versa and hence the Stock Markets will be influenced accordingly
6. Scams and Things may be exposed suddenly
7. Saturn cycle of 59-60 years is also getting completed from the Year 1958 Nov. and is Repeating its behaviour as it did 59 years Back. Coup, brawl between Nations, Trade wars,
8.ISIS will be active in 2018
Read what is happening in Iran Mass Rally.
Read this Article https://www.nytimes.com/…/middl…/iran-protests-rouhani.html…
Now Read My Articles
2. https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/roman-god-saturn-red-planet…/
ASTROLOGY IS MOST AMAZING and is warning time and again to the World that if the Brawl bwtween the Nations does not end it will take an ugly shape in 2018-2019
le of a strong bull run. and market will get into a bear trap if we go below 8500 which may not be a reality in the near future.
Fundamentally when we compare 2017 to 2018, we started the year 2017 with strong macros, The fiscal deficit was in control, oil was very cheap, expectation of interest rates falling was very prominent, US economy was taking off, Inflation was very much under control, though the micros were a little disturbed with demonitisation and falling GDP growth, the companies were struggling with growth. In contrast we are starting the year 2018 with Macros disturbed, crude trading at $67, inflation started going up, Interest rate cut may be a distant dream, we should be happy if they don't go up, above all the fiscal deficit is also set to go up, but the Micros looks better as we expect the companies to churn out good growth and this gives me a reason to believe that 2018 will be a year of consolidation, as the domestic fund flows are continuing which may have the capacity to control any big fall, we should keep a eye on domestic funds flow and whenever we see that funds flow is slowing down we should exit and wait at sidelines, for me this will be the one big factor that will determine the run of the market. Wish you all a Fantastic year 2018.
Manu Jayaraju This is purely astrology and geometrical predication It's indicating that there is WAR going to ahead between 5 countries
The combination of Mars and Saturn with SUN these indicates = global distraction in the world
(These combination of planets and star(sun) is war)
Hence NIFTY & BANK NIFTY get huge correction NIFTY TOUCHES 7000 to 8000
In price wise correction it will sudden impact but time wise November may be correction will stop
This is only because of war reason and geopolitical tensions
WAR BETWEEN india and china
India and Pakistan
Even nuclear war also starts
Iran and America
North Korea and America
Fundamentally when we compare 2017 to 2018, we started the year 2017 with strong macros, The fiscal deficit was in control, oil was very cheap, expectation of interest rates falling was very prominent, US economy was taking off, Inflation was very much under control, though the micros were a little disturbed with demonitisation and falling GDP growth, the companies were struggling with growth. In contrast we are starting the year 2018 with Macros disturbed, crude trading at $67, inflation started going up, Interest rate cut may be a distant dream, we should be happy if they don't go up, above all the fiscal deficit is also set to go up, but the Micros looks better as we expect the companies to churn out good growth and this gives me a reason to believe that 2018 will be a year of consolidation, as the domestic fund flows are continuing which may have the capacity to control any big fall, we should keep a eye on domestic funds flow and whenever we see that funds flow is slowing down we should exit and wait at sidelines, for me this will be the one big factor that will determine the run of the market. Wish you all a Fantastic year 2018.
Manu Jayaraju This is purely astrology and geometrical predication It's indicating that there is WAR going to ahead between 5 countries
The combination of Mars and Saturn with SUN these indicates = global distraction in the world
(These combination of planets and star(sun) is war)
Hence NIFTY & BANK NIFTY get huge correction NIFTY TOUCHES 7000 to 8000
In price wise correction it will sudden impact but time wise November may be correction will stop
This is only because of war reason and geopolitical tensions
WAR BETWEEN india and china
India and Pakistan
Even nuclear war also starts
Iran and America
North Korea and America
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